Steps to make order


All stocks will be imported from HK and Taiwan by sea. Therefore, it takes around 15 -18 working days to reach Malaysia. However, sometimes there will be some delay from estimated time due to unforeseen reason when the stocks on the sea or custom department.So, pls be patient, i will inform u when reach my place. 所有的衣衣都是从香港或台湾直接用海运进口,所以需要大概15-18 工作天才会到达。不过,有时难免会因为在海上,或要出关口时会遇到问题拖了时间,请美美们要耐心等待,货到达时会第一时间通知你。

All clothes in the albums can be ordered. However, there might be shortage of stock at the moment i place order, and i cant inform everyone about that. so if possible, pls give me some extra item code for replacement, just in case, to maintain ur discount or postage fees!所有在相簿里的衣服都是可以订购的。不过,在我向厂家下订的时候,有时会出现临时缺货的时候,我又不能一一向面对缺货的美美们交待,所以美美们可以在下订时,多给我几件当作后备,如果真的遇上缺货时可以立刻补上,这样就可以保持折扣价啦!

Please be informed that all transactions will be done online, we always do careful inspection to goods orders before delivery.We do not accept return or exchange of good purchased with reasons as (1) dislike the color; (2) color differences; (3) not as attractive as expected; (4) too transparent; (5) fabric too thin; (6) size too big or too small; (7) not comfortable.由于是网络销售,为了减少不必要的麻烦,我们设专人一一检查货品. Ninofashion一律不接受以颜色不喜欢,穿着不舒服,做工质量不好,没有图片中的漂亮,好透明,太大或者太小等理由进行调换。
The pictures shown in albums are provided by factory. Bear in mind, there are many sellers are using the same pictures. That's y many ppl do not understand, y selling the same clothes at different prices? The reason is there are many factories are producing the same design of clothes with different material and different cuttings, in addition, the shipping fees are different. That is y the prices are different. 图片为厂家提供,市面上很多卖家都在用。所以各位美美们可能不明白这一点,图片可能是一样的,为甚么价钱会有差呢?原因是很多厂家都在仿造同一款,用的布料和剪裁都不一样,价钱自然是不同的啦。还有,所用的海运也不一样,所以价钱就差在这里。
In addtion, please do not go for the cheapest price blindly , the prices will always adequate to the quality of the clothes.另外,亲爱的朋友们买衣服的时候不要盲目追求价格低廉哦,一分价钱一分货绝对是有道理的.

We have 5 albums in total, different factory, different styles with different price:

我们一共有5 个相簿,不同的厂家,不同风格,不同价钱:

Album 1: Normal quality, imitation 相簿1:质量普通,仿款

Album 2: Normal quality, imitation 相簿2:质量普通,仿款

Album 3 (Dolce Infanta) :Great Quality, Original 相簿3(Dolce Infanta):非常好的质量,原款

Album 4 (SZ) : Great quality, good imitation 相簿4(SZ):非常好的质量,精仿款

Album 5 ( Various Brand ) : Great quality, Original 相簿5(Various Brand):非常好的质量,原款

Due to the fabric's elasticity, measurements made might have comfortable variables of +/- 2-3cm


Due to the different perception of everyone, if u are very particular with the minor imperfection of the clothes, pls go to shop or boutique to try and have a look on it, to avoid any unwanted or unhappy deal. thanx


*WARN*: All are pre-order items (except for ready stock) , so Customers Who Can Wait For The Items then only place order !!

警告: 所有的衣服(除了现货)都是预购的哦!!所以可以等的顾客们才下单哦!!

Please do not cancel your items after bank in & confirm ur order.If not we are not going to entertain you.下单预付款后请别取消,否则后果自负。

Thanks for corporation.谢谢合作哦!!

Steps to place order:

1. Email me to place order. Please refer to the format of order form here. Please wait my confirmation email for payment. SMS me after done,the sms should include ur full name and how much u bank in, so i can go and check and keep in record.

请用EMAIL 下订单。订单的格式请看这里。等我的回复后,请在三天内付款。付款后请用sms通知我,在sms 里写下你的姓名和款额,以便我查然后记录下来。

2.After payment, please wait around 2 -3 weeks. I will send out the clothes after i iron and packed.


3. After delivery I'll send you an email for tracking your items.
Check Here: Delivery List.Please Check Your Code At Skynet Offical Website to trace the status.

货物寄出后我会给你们单号以便查询货物。 或查看:Delivery List或网上查询Skynet Offical Website

交易方式 Transactions

邮寄方式 Delivery


Normally will reach ur house within 1-2 days.

Postage fees please refer here

We accept the following Bank.我们接受以下的银行。

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Click Here : MARLOCA 10% Discount for this album